2021-2022 Spring Edition 
    Jul 26, 2024  
2021-2022 Spring Edition [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Support Services


A variety of reading materials, personal-use items, new and used textbooks, a large selection of college logo items, class supplies, and packets are available at the college bookstore. Some textbooks may be rented or made available as e-books. The college bookstore is operated by Follett College Stores under contract with the district and Saddleback College.

The Saddleback College bookstore is located in the Student Services Center, Room 133. Call 949-582-4715 for additional information.

California Work Opportunity and Responsibility for Kids (CalWORKs)

Saddleback College CalWORKs program works in collaboration with the County Social Services offices and other community agencies to support students achieve their academic goals. The CalWORKs program is committed to assisting students in developing their skills, knowledge, and experience that will enable them to become more marketable in the workforce after earning a certificate and/or college degree. Within the CalWORKs program students are provided with student success support services such as academic, personal and career counseling, work-study, priority registration, extended tutoring and much more. For office hours or more information, contact the CalWORKs office at 949-582-4207 or visit www.saddleback.edu/calworks.

Career & Re-Entry Center

The Career and Re-Entry Center includes Career Guidance Services and Re-Entry Services. The center provides assistance and support to students and potential students. The career computer lab and library resources are available to students when groups or classes are not scheduled for visits. It is located in the Student Services Center, Room 140. Additional services and resources are available on our website at www.saddleback.edu/career.

Career Guidance Services are available to anyone who needs assistance with making a career decision, choosing a major, or researching career information. Educational and occupational information are available in the library to explore at the student’s own pace. Additional resources include information about Career Education, scholarship resources, re-entry information, and online and traditional education options that may lead to career or transfer. Computerized assessments that measure skills, personality, and values are available for free or at a nominal fee. In addition, career assessment packages can be purchased through a career guidance or career counseling appointment. Please make an appointment by calling (949) 582-4575.

Re-Entry Services are available to students aged 25+ who are searching for ways to return to school, change careers, or find new direction and support in their lives. The Re-Entry Specialist assesses barriers that prevent a student from being successful in college and provides guidance as well as referrals to on-campus resources. Workshops, support groups, and specialized Re-Entry scholarships are also available for re-entry students. For information on low cost and sliding scale community resources and programs, please visit www.saddleback.edu/reentry. Individual appointments can be scheduled in advance at (949) 582-4575.

Child Development Center

The Child Development Center offers educational opportunities and services primarily for registered pre-school children of Saddleback College students. Faculty and staff of SOCCCD and community members may also utilize the center. This program recognizes and supports the fact that parents with children are enrolled at the college. Furthermore, proper care for a child is often a determining factor in a parent’s decision to attend and succeed in entering college or a career. The center provides an educational experience and includes activities such as art, music, cooking, language arts, and science. Children eligible for enrolling in the pre-school program must be at least 18 months of age and may remain in the program up to their entrance into kindergarten.

Priority is given to parents who have first registered at Saddleback (for 6 or more semester units). Additional to the program for children of Saddleback College students, space is available for faculty and staff of SOCCCD and community (non-student) members seeking a positive educational child development environment for their children. All interested parents from throughout the community are encouraged to contact the center for further information, including program options and current fee schedule.

The center is located at the south end of the campus on College Drive East (Parking Area 1A). For more information call 949-582-4582 or visit www.saddleback.edu/cdc.

Counseling Services

Saddleback College provides complete counseling and career development services. These services include individual and/or group counseling for academic, career, transfer, and personal counseling.  Counselors provide support for career decision-making; assistance with educational program planning and course selection; preparation for transfer, a degree, or a specific job; and assistance with beginning or returning to school. Students are encouraged to meet with a counselor at least once a semester. 

A major function of counseling is to provide students with information about themselves to assist them to succeed in their studies. Accurate information is essential in planning. Counselors serve as valuable resources in this process.

Counselors are available day and evening, either by appointment or on a walk-in basis. Appointments are especially recommended well in advance of registration periods. Counseling is available both in person and online.

Saddleback College students wishing to make an appointment may call or stop by the Counseling Office located in the Student Services Center, Room 167. The number is 949-582-4572. Students may also make an appointment online:

  1. Go to the Saddleback College Home Page
  2. Click on Student Success
  3. Click on Counseling
  4. Click on Make an Appointment, if you are a continuing student

A Counseling class taught by counselors is highly recommended for all students. Topics include Academic or Educational Planning, Career Exploration, Helping Relationships, Human Relations, and/or Study Skills. Each course is intended to aid the individual’s success both within and life beyond the Saddleback College experience.

Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS)

The DSPS Program at Saddleback College provides support services and specialized instruction for students with disabilities. Documented verification of disability is required, and students must apply in the DSPS office to determine eligibility.

The following support services are available for eligible students at Saddleback College: academic, personal, and career counseling; priority registration; accommodated testing; mobility orientations and campus-accessibility maps; notetaking, reader, and transcription services; printed enlargement; alternative media production; adapted computer labs; sign-language interpreter services; and liaison with faculty and community agencies. In addition, DSPS offers specialized courses in strategy training, basic skills, and adapted computer.  Arrangement for support services must be made in advance.

For further information on services and instruction for students with disabilities at Saddleback College, contact the DSPS office in the Student Services Center, Room 113, or call 949-582-4885 or Telecommunication video phone for the Deaf 949-482-4430, or by Zoom.  Visit our website at www.saddleback.edu/dsps.  You can also connect with DSPS in the Zoom Lobby once you go to www.saddleback.edu/dsps.

Any concern regarding access to programs and services should be directed first to the Coordinator of DSPS (949-582-4885) and second to the Dean of Student Equity and Special Programs (949-582-4535), who is the 504 Officer/ADA Coordinator, Saddleback College, 28000 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo, CA 92692.

Escort Service

Saddleback College provides a Security Escort Service between classrooms and other areas of the campus. Students wishing to use this service should call 949-582-4585 to make arrangements for a security escort.

Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)

Programa y Servicios de Oportunidad Extendida (EOPS)
EOPS ayuda a estudiantes que tienen desventajas educacionales y financieras. El programa EOPS se compromete a ofrecer los siguientes servicios de apoyo: prioridad de inscripción, consejería personal, académica, y transferencia a la universidad, ayuda con el costo de los libros, tutoría, becas y mucho más. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer a nuestros estudiantes de EOPS los servicios y el apoyo que se necesitan para tener éxito en sus metas académicas y/o vocacionales.
Estudiantes interesados pueden completar una aplicación en nuestro sitio aquí, comunicarse con nuestra oficina en la plataforma de Zoom aquí, o llamar la oficina de EOPS al (949) 582-4620. Tenemos personal que puede contestar sus preguntas, o visitar la oficina de EOPS localizada en el edificio de servicio para estudiantes, oficina (SSC) 126.

EOPS serves students who face educational and financial disadvantages. The EOPS program is committed to providing over and above student support services such as priority registration, personalized counseling, book vouchers, extended tutoring, CSU/UC application fee waivers, reimbursement for honors membership fees, scholarships, and much more. The goal is to provide EOPS students with the tools and support needed to succeed in their academic and/or vocational goals. Additionally, the program strives to promote self-awareness and personal growth through counseling.
Interested students should apply by completing the online application click here, or contact our office via our EOPS Virtual Zoom Lobby click here, Email: sceops@saddleback.edu, call our office phone: (949) 582-4620 or visit us in the Student Services Center, Room 126. For information visit our website at www.saddleback.edu/eops

Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE)

As a supplemental program of EOPS, CARE provides additional educational support and assistance to EOPS eligible students who are single head-of-households parents and currently receive CalWORKs (California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids) cash aid for themselves and/or their children. More information is available at the EOPS office in the Student Services Center, Room 126, or call 949-582-4620 or visit our website at www.saddleback.edu/eops/care-program.

Food Services

The Saddleback College Cafeteria is located in the Student Services Center and provides students with a full range of food services. Vending machines and coffee/food carts are located throughout the campus. Students’ suggestions for food service may be submitted through participation on the Food and Beverage committee, Student Development Office, or directly to the cafeteria manager. Catering of special events is also offered by the cafeteria.

Health Services

Saddleback College Student Health Center embraces student success by providing confidential, high quality medical and psychological services to all currently enrolled students who have paid their health fee.

The student health fee is state mandated for all students who take on-campus classes and may be voluntarily paid by student taking off-campus or distance education classes who want to use the services provided by the Student Health Center.

A team of licensed medical physicians, registered nurses, and clinical psychologists along with intern therapists provides acute short-term care. Services include basic urgent care medical interventions and treatment, including pharmacy, laboratory, immunizations, women’s health examination including PAP tests and birth control and physical examinations. Additionally, mental health services include crisis intervention, individual, couple, and family psychological therapy and testing. The Student Health Center also offers privative health education, vision and hearing screenings, emergency first aid, insurance for college-related injuries, HIV and all other STD testing as well as alcohol, drug and other substance abuse prevention, intervention, and support services.

Tele-Health Service
Schedule a virtual Tele-Health appointment with a Health Center doctor, nurse, or therapist by visiting https://www.saddleback.edu/shc or you can call Saddleback College Health Center at (949) 582-4606.

The Student Health Center maintains webpages and current literature on a wide variety of health topics, including the Saddleback College publication, Sexual Assault Education, Victim Survival Guide and Campus Reporting Protocol (California Education Code, Section 67385).

Food Pantry
Services include providing food for our currently enrolled students through our Food Pantry. Requests can be placed once a week by completing the Food Pantry Request Form and emailing it to scstudenthealth@saddleback.edu(link sends e-mail). A request can also be made by calling (949) 348-6260. See the Health Center webpage for service details.

The Student Health Center is located in the Student Services Building Room 177. Appointments are recommended and can be made by calling (949) 582-4606.

International Students Office

The International Student Office provides services to international students who hold F-1 (student visas) by assisting them in the admissions, assessment, and orientation processes and with home-stay and visa applications as well as in the preparation of documents required by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. The office is located in the Student Services Center, Room 107. For more information, please call (949) 582-4637 or visit our website at www.saddleback.edu/iso.

Learning Resource Center Tutoring

LRC tutoring provides free tutoring for Saddleback College students. Varied tutoring services are available to satisfy student needs: drop-in, one-to-one, groups, exam review sessions, and faculty led skills workshops.

Free tutoring, located in LRC 212, is provided during the fall, spring, and summer terms. The LRC is closed weekends. More information is available by calling 949-582-4519, or by visiting our website at www.saddleback.edu/tutoring.

LRC Tutoring Computer Skills Lab

The Skills Lab Computer Center, located in LRC 258, offers students the opportunity to use software specific to course assignments, explore learning through the Internet, and strengthen their knowledge of technology by learning more about Blackboard, MySite, and how to be successful in online classes. Qualified personnel will assist students with their learning needs. For more information call 949-582-4441 and visit the LRC Tutoring website www.saddleback.edu/tutoring.

Library Services

The Saddleback College Library’s mission is to assist students and faculty with their research and personal information needs. The Library is located on the third floor of the renovated Library/LRC Building. For complete information about library resources and services visit the website at www.saddleback.edu/library, or call 949-582-4314.

Borrowing and Renewing Materials

District students, faculty, and staff may borrow circulating materials with a valid photo ID. Valid users may check out up to nine items in the circulating collection for a period of four weeks. Items (not overdue or for which there is a hold by another user) may be renewed once, in person or by phone.

Fees, Fines, and Holds

Overdue items result in a “hold” on student records that prevents students from registering, adding, dropping classes, and/or receiving grades, transcripts, or diplomas (California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 59410). To remove the “hold,” a fee will be charged for each overdue item. Fines range from $5 to the actual cost of the book” (late fees apply as well).

Student-Faculty Conferences

The full-time faculty members of Saddleback College maintain office hours during the fall and spring semesters to consult with students concerning class assignments, methods of studying in particular courses, review of test results, other measures of academic achievement, and advisement for program planning when appropriate. Check with the division office for faculty members’ scheduled office hours.

Financial Aid Office

The Financial Aid Office is here to provide students and the community a better understanding of financial aid programs and services available. We value and take pride in the diversity of our students and the support we provide in promoting student success. There are many financial aid programs that can help students with fees, books, supplies, transportation, housing, and other related educational expenses. (BP 5130/AR 5130)

All students may be eligible for some form of assistance based on their financial need. Students may apply for aid by filing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at www.fafsa.gov or Dreamer students may apply for the California Dream Act Application online at https://dream.csac.ca.gov.

Basic Student Eligibility Requirements for Federal Student Aid

  • Be enrolled as a regular student in an eligible program which includes certificate, associate degree, or transfer programs
  • Cannot also be enrolled in elementary or secondary school
  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent
  • Make satisfactory academic progress
  • Meet enrollment status requirements
  • Have resolved any drug conviction issue
  • Be a citizen or eligible noncitizen
  • Have resolved any default on a FSA loan or overpayment
  • Have a valid social security number
  • Men aged 18-25 must register with the Selective Service System or meet exemption requirements
  • Resolve any conflicting information

There are also program-specific eligibility requirements that may be required.

To be considered for financial aid, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the renewal application or the California Dream Act application. These applications are usually available beginning in October for the following academic year. If a student is interested in the Cal Grant, the FAFSA or California Dream Act application and a GPA verification form must be completed. The Cal Grant program deadline is March 2nd of each year.

For students who miss this deadline, there is a second opportunity only for community college students to apply for Cal Grants. The deadline for this is September 2nd.

The FAFSA application qualifies eligible students for both federal and state aid. The California Dream Act application is for Dreamer students who may be eligible for state aid programs only.  These applications will be used to determine a student’s eligibility for the following Federal and State programs:

Federal Programs

Federal Pell Grants are awarded to eligible undergraduate students who do not have a bachelor’s degree, or professional degree. The amount of money awarded is based upon a student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC), the number of units enrolled, and the cost of attendance.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is awarded to eligible Pell Grant recipients with exceptional financial need. It is awarded on a “first-come, first-served” basis and is dependent upon funds available. Students must be enrolled in at least six units to receive the funds.

Federal Work-Study (FWS) is a program with limited funding which provides employment to help pay for part of a student’s educational costs. This program is based on financial need and, if awarded, is part of a student’s award package. Students on FWS may work approximately 15 hours per week on campus.

Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans must be repaid. Students must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) first. Once a student receives a financial aid award letter, the student may request a student loan at www.saddleback.edu/fao/loans. The amount of loans range from $3,500 to $10,500 per academic year. Loan amounts will be determined at the time the Financial Aid Office certifies a loan request.

Both entrance and exit counseling are requirements of the Federal Direct Loan Program. Students must maintain at least half-time enrollment status to receive a loan. Once a student receives loan funds, the student must maintain reasonable progress toward a certificate, associate degree, or transfer program. In reviewing a request for any loan, the Financial Aid Office may use “professional judgment” to deny a student a loan on a case-by-case basis. If denied a loan, a student will receive a letter from the Financial Aid Office indicating the reason(s) for the loan denial.

State Programs

California College Promise Grant (formerly BOG fee waiver) is a program that provides assistance with mandatory enrollment fees for the entire academic year (summer, fall, and spring semesters). There is no limit to the number of units that are covered by the CCPG.

To receive this assistance, students are encouraged to submit the FASFA or the California Dream Act, and be a California resident or an eligible AB 540 student.

Required Academic Progress for California College Promise Grant (formerly BOG fee waiver) Any combination of two primary consecutive terms (fall and spring) of cumulative GPA below 2.0, and/or cumulative course completion less than 50% may result in loss of fee waiver eligibility.  Registered Foster Youth are exempted from this requirement.

For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office, or visit our web page at www.saddleback.edu/fao.

The Cal Grant Program is a state funded educational opportunity program to assist students in paying for a college education. There are entitlement awards as well as competitive awards. Application deadlines are March 2nd and September 2nd for community college students.

All basic Cal Grant eligibility requirements are as follows: a) be a California resident, b) be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen, c) meet U.S. Selective Service requirements, d) attend a qualifying California postsecondary institution, e) be enrolled at least half-time, f) maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined at the school of attendance, g) have family income and assets below the established ceilings, h) not be in default on any student loan, i) not owe any federal or state grant refund, and, j) not have a bachelor’s or professional degree before receiving a Cal Grant (except for extended Cal Grant A or B awards for a teaching credential program).

Cal Grant B Entitlement Awards are for every graduating high school senior who has at least a 2.0 GPA, meets all the Cal Grant requirements and applies by March 2 within one year of graduating (or receiving their GED). This Entitlement Award provides up to $1672 for books and living expenses for the first year. Beginning with the second year of Cal Grant B benefits, this award also helps pay for tuition and fees at public or private four-year colleges or other qualifying institutions.

Cal Grant B Competitive Awards are for students who aren’t eligible for the Entitlement awards. Awards are for students who have at least a 2.0 GPA, meet all the Cal Grant requirements and apply by either the March 2nd or September 2nd deadline. The award provides up to $1672 for books and living expenses for the first year. Beginning with the second year of Cal Grant B benefits, this award also helps pay for tuition and fees at public or private four-year colleges or other qualifying institutions.

Cal Grant C Awards are available to assist students with tuition, fee, and training costs for occupational or vocational programs. The $1094 Cal Grant C award provides for books, tools, and equipment. To qualify for Cal Grant C awards, students must meet basic eligibility requirements and be enrolled in a vocational program that is at least four months in length. For more information, visit the California Student Aid Commission website at www.csac.ca.gov.

The California Chafee Grant Program gives up to $5,000 annually in free money to foster youth and former foster youth to use for vocational school training or college courses. To apply, you must be eligible, or have been eligible for foster care, between your 16th and 18th birthday, and not have reached your 22nd birthday as of July 1 of the award year.

Student Success Completion Grant is provided to Cal Grant B or C recipients who is enrolled in 12 or more units per semester.


Saddleback College offers scholarships through the college’s Foundation Office and generous donors. Students may be awarded scholarships on the basis of academic achievement, financial need, or campus and community service. Scholarship information is available at www.saddleback.edu/fao/scholarship-information.

Scholarships are also available from sources beyond Saddleback College. Additional information can be found at www.saddleback.edu/fao/scholarship-information.

Return of Title IV Funds (HEA)

Title IV funds are awarded to students under the assumption that they will attend school for the entire period for which the financial aid is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds that the student was originally scheduled to receive.

“Return of Title IV funds” will require repayment of Title IV funds, (Federal Financial Aid).

Any aid recipient who needs to withdraw from all classes should contact the Admissions and Records Office and the Financial Aid Office. Recipients are encouraged to discuss alternatives to withdrawing from class(es) with their instructor(s) or a counselor before making a final decision.

For additional information on Title IV requirements, please contact the Financial Aid Office, in the Student Services Center, Room 106, phone 949-582-4860.

Grant Over-Awards

There are occasions when students receive financial aid payments based upon misreported information. This results in a grant over award. Examples of misreported information include inaccurate or omitted income, prior loan defaults or grant overpayments, having a bachelor’s degree, not having a high school diploma or GED, forged signatures, and unsatisfactory academic progress, just to name a few. Furthermore, students who change enrollment status prior to the financial aid freeze date each semester, after having been paid for those classes, may also be in over award status.

Students who receive grant funds and are later determined to be in over award status, as noted above, are required to repay the entire sum received.

To Maintain Financial Aid Eligibility

In accordance with federal regulations, each student receiving financial aid is expected to maintain satisfactory and measurable academic progress, whether or not the student is a prior recipient of financial aid. Failure to meet federal standards will result in the denial of aid, except the CCPG program. Academic progress for Saddleback College students is evaluated at the end of each term.

Satisfactory and measurable academic progress is defined as successfully maintaining cumulative GPA (grade point average) of 2.0 (C or greater) and complete 67% (or more) of all units attempted. Also, a student cannot exceed 150% of the maximum time frame as stated in the student educational objective.

Outreach and Community Relations

(949) 582-4218

The Office of Outreach and Community Relations develops, coordinates and provides outreach services to prospective students, parents, and community members. The primary goal of the office is to attract new students, inform the community about educational opportunities, including career education and transfer programs, and to assist in the application process at Saddleback College. Services include campus tours; high school visits; presentations to students, parents, and community groups on admissions procedures, academic programs and student services; attending college fairs; and participating in community events and programs.

Student Payment Office

The Student Payment Office is in the Student Services Center, Room 208.

The SPO —

  1. Collects student fees and fines
  2. Collects financial aid overpayments
  3. Processes refund requests
  4. Disburses financial aid checks
  5. Processes payment deferral requests
  6. Posts and removes fiscal holds (these are holds for nonpayment) on student accounts

In addition, all student account audits and changes to student accounts are done by the SPO. For further information, please call 949-582-4870 or visit our webpage at www.saddleback.edu/spo.

Student Permanent Photo Identification (ID) Cards

Saddleback College issues student identification cards to be used for college services including the library, printing on campus, and access to other services.  Your Saddleback College ID card will also work for services on the Irvine Valley College campus.  To be issued a one-time permanent photo identification card, students must be currently enrolled at Saddleback College and have Saddleback College as their College of Record. Student photos may be taken in the Office of Admissions and Records (SSC 102) during normal business hours. To have a photo taken, students must present a valid government issued ID for identity verification.  For questions, contact the Office of Admissions and Records at 949-582-4555 or  scadmissions@saddleback.edu.

Transfer Center

The Transfer Center provides services, workshops, and special events for students preparing to transfer to four-year colleges and universities. Transfer Center counselors and representatives from four-year colleges and universities offer specialized counseling in Associate Degrees for Transfer (AA-T/AS-T); college applications and personal statements; Honors Program; and Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAG).

The Transfer Center offers workshops on the following topics: CSU and UC Applications; Degree with a Guarantee Program; UC Personal Insight Questions; Transfer Financial Aid; Specialized High School Workshops; Honors Program; Post-Application; TAG; USC and Common Application. The Transfer Center hosts college fairs each semester which attract over 80+ CSU, UC, In-State Private, and Out-of-State colleges and universities.

For more information visit us in SSC 225B, call us at (949) 582-4328, visit our website at www.saddleback.edu/transfer or email us at sctransfer@saddleback.edu.

Veterans Administration (VA) Education Benefits

The Veterans Office provides assistance to students by completing the paperwork required for VA education benefits.  Students who qualify for VA education benefits are encouraged to take advantage of their entitlement.  In addition to providing education benefits to veterans, this office assists veterans’ spouses and veterans’ children who apply for VA education benefits to which they are entitled.

  1. All students using VA education benefits are eligible for priority enrollment.
  2. Students using VA education benefits (such as Chapter 31 or 33) where the Department of Veterans Affairs makes payment to the college for applicable enrollment fees will receive a payment deferral on their student account. There will be no fines, holds, or other penalties assessed on the student’s account while the college is awaiting payment from the VA. These students are not required to pay any upfront costs related to enrollments; however, the student will be responsible for any fees not covered by the VA.
  3. Colleges are required by VA to evaluate all VA students’ previous education and training. Records of previous education and training are maintained in each VA student’s file. All previous education and training for which credit is granted will be used in fulfillment of applicable course requirements and therefore shorten the training period proportionately. Students will be notified by their academic counselor of all prior education and training that is applicable to their programs.
  4. Effective August 1, 2018, VA requires that VA students’ monthly pay be based on the ZIP code of the location where they physically attend the majority of their classes. This includes off-campus locations. Please contact the Veterans Office for more information. The Veterans Office is located in the Student Services Center (SSC) room 208. The phone number is (949) 582-4870. This is a college services office, not a branch of the federal government.

The Military Tuition Assistance (MTA) program for active duty military personnel is also processed in the Veterans Office. MTA forms must be submitted to the Veterans Office once signed by the active duty service member’s commanding officer and military base education officer. This form is available at military bases’ education offices.

Veterans Education and Transition Services (VETS) Program

Saddleback College is committed to easing the transition process and providing opportunities for success to our United States military veterans. The VETS Program directly provides support services and acts as a bridge to external support services for student veterans, active military personnel, and their families. VETS Program services include, yet are not limited to: new student guidance, veteran counseling, scholarship assistance, a link to the Veterans Student Council, veteran and active duty military outreach, counseling for dependents using CalVet Fee Waiver, Chapter 35 benefits, and other educational benefits, and a venue for community building. Saddleback College also offers a “Boots to Books” course which integrates veteran specific topics into the curriculum of Counseling 140  (3 units; CSU transferable). The VETS Program hosts events and outside partners focused on the service member’s reintegration into civilian and college life.

The VETS Center is located in the Student Services Center, Room SSC211. For more information, phone 949-582-4252, visit our website at www.saddleback.edu/vets, or email us at vetsoutreach@saddleback.edu.